Grünhainer Kapelle

The Grünhainer Kapelle with its cross vault ceiling is one of the oldest buildings in the city. It belongs to the remnants of Grünhain monastery, which in turn operated a farmyard with own jurisdiction from the 13th century onward.

The chapel was designed for monastery services and requiems. In 1522, outraged citizens attacked the facility. The monastery was closed in 1536. Later on, the Latin school was housed here, and in 1547 also the council’s school library.

Following its restoration in 1951/52, the facility was integrated into the then engineering school for mining. The adjacent buildings belong to the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau. Its most famous student was Robert Schumann who studied at the Lyceum from 1820 to 1828. He graduated with omnio digitus which roughly means “restricted praise considering his aptitude”.

  • Visitor Address

    Peter-Breuer-Straße 3
    08056 Zwickau

Visitor Address

Peter-Breuer-Straße 3
08056 Zwickau