Old Gasometer

The gasometer with a capacity of 3000 m³ was built in 1875 as the third and largest gasometer on the premises of the gas works and supplied the population of Zwickau with gas until 1900.

After the shutdown, the gasometer served only as a storage hall. Since 1994 the City of Zwickau and associations have been developing concepts for the preservation of this monument and its future use as a socio-cultural centre.

After 15 months of construction, the building was handed over to the operator "Alter Gasometer e.V. - Socio-cultural Centre" on 23 August 2000.

As a socio-cultural centre, it has since then offered a wide range of events. These range from cinema, concerts, cabaret and cabaret to celebrations, young talent projects and theatre. The clubhouse next door houses, among other things, the BuZe youth café, the coordination office of the Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance, the fair trade shop and a rehearsal room.

"Old Gasometer"
"Old Gasometer"

Alter Gasometer

Visitor Address

Kleine Biergasse 3
08056 Zwickau

Get in touch

Phone Number: +49 375 2772110