Yandu (China)

since 2014

Yandu, the economic and cultural centre of the economic region Yancheng, is located in the east of China about 250km north of Shanghai. In the core district of Yandu, which consists of a total of 11 communities and 246 villages, 800,000 people live in an area of 1015 km².

Yandu has a good transport infrastructure. Two motorways, the railway and the nearby Yancheng airport connect the region with the east Asian metropolises Beijing, Hong Kong, Seoul and Taipei, among others.

Yandu was founded 2100 years ago at the beginning of the Han Dynasty. Literally translated, Yandu means 'salt city'. Yandu played an important role as the most important Chinese salt trading centre. The extraction and processing of salt has been the basis of economic development since the foundation of the town.

Today Yandu is a rising, economically highly developed region. In addition to the traditional companies in the textile industry, mechanical engineering and building materials industry, the automotive industry is growing. With an annual capacity of 650,000 cars, KIA is the largest resident company. Many supplier companies from Germany, Italy and Korea have settled in Yandu. Renewable energies are playing an increasingly important role. The location on the East China Sea favours the construction of wind turbines.

The 500km long coastline provides a habitat for over 350 endangered bird and wildlife species. The rare crane and the Père David's deer encounter optimal conditions in two state nature reserves.

Relaxation can be found at the green-blue waters of Lake Dazhong. Comfortable holiday resorts and many sights attract many tourists every year.
